Google Dorks for VoIP, VPN, and FTP

Footprinting using advanced Google hacking techniques involves locating specific strings of text within search results using advanced operators in the Google search engine. Queries can retrieve valuable data about the target company from Google search results using Google Dorks. 

You can use these Google dorks for footprinting VoIP, VPN and FTP networks. The following tables summarize some of the Google Dorks. 

VoIP Footprinting Dorks

Google Dork Description
intitle:"Login Page" intext:"Phone Adapter Configuration Utility" Pages containing login portals
inurl:/voice/advanced/ intitle:Linsys SPA configuration Finds the Linksys VoIP router configuration page
intitle:"D-Link VoIP Router" "Welcome" Pages containing D-Link login portals web-access Looks for the Asterisk management portal
intitle:"SPA504G Configuration" Finds Cisco SPA504G Configuration Utility for IP phones
intitle:"Sipura.SPA.Configuration" -.pdf Finds configuration pages for online VoIP devices
inurl:8080 intitle:"login" intext:"UserLogin" "English" VoIP login portals

VPN Footprinting Dorks

Google Dork Description
filetype:pcf "cisco" "GroupPwd" Cisco VPN files with Group Passwords for remote access
"[main]" "enc_GroupPwd=" ext:txt Finds Cisco VPN client passwords (encrypted but easily cracked)
"Config" intitle:"Index of" intext:"vpn" Directory with keys of VPN server
!Host=*.* intext:enc_UserPassword=* ext:pcf Looks for profile configuration files (.pcf), which contain user VPN profiles
filetype:rcf inurl:vpn Finds Sonicwall Global VPN Client files containing sensitive information and login
filetype:pcf vpn OR Group Finds publicly accessible .pcf used by VPN clients
inurl"/remote/login/?lang=en Finds FortiGate Firewall's SSL-VPN login portal
vpnssl Retrieves login portals containing vpnssl companies' access
intitle:"SSL VPN Service" + intext:"Your system administrator provided the following information to help understand and remedy the security conditions:" Finds Cisco asa Login web pages

FTP Footprinting Dorks

Google Dork Description intext:.ftpconfig -issues Returns SFTP/FTP server credentials on GitHub
type:mil inurl:ftp ext:pdf | ps Returns sensitive directories on FTP
intext:pure-ftpd.conf intitle:index of Returns servers exposing pure-ftpd configuration files
intitle:"Index of" intext:sftp-config.json Extracts list of FTP/SFTP passwords from sublime text
inurl:"ftp://www." "Index of /" Displays various online FTP servers
inurl:~/ftp://193 filetype:(php | txt | html | asp | xml | cnf | sh) ~'/html' Returns a list of FTP servers by IP address, mostly Windows NT servers with guest login capabilities

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