Cross-site scripting is also known as XSS where X stands for
CROSS and SS stands for SITE SCRIPTING (just our
assumption). It is an injection-based attack where the attacker submits a
malicious code that is accepted by the server and has the ability to harm the
company’s infrastructure or leak the PII (Personal identification information)
of their users.
XSS is the most common type of vulnerability. It is always placed in OWASP's
top 10. Using popular and modern frameworks while developing the website might
reduce the risk of cross-site scripting but it won't eradicate the risk
completely. So, XSS will always be there no matter what.
XSS can be found where the user input is required; in the Web application like
username, address, and profile field or even in an image file name uploaded to
the server.
There are mainly three types of XSS:
- Reflected XSS
- Stored XSS
Reflected XSS
Reflected XSS arises when the malicious code supplied by the attacker is
immediately shown in the response of the site. An attacker could only
exploit the Reflected XSS by tricking the user into opening the
vulnerable page in a website and then the attacker can gain the session
cookies, impersonate the user and gain full access to their account, which
can also virtually deface the website.
Reflected XSS arises when the user input is sanitized properly and then
executed by the server.
For Example:
There is an online shopping portal that has a search functionality and its URL
for the search term KNOWLEDGE will be
and when the attacker searches for a JavaScript code instead of the item he
wishes the URL will be like<script>alert(1)</script>
Reflected XSS Example
Here, JavaScript treats the malicious code injected by the attacker as a legit
one coming from the source and executes the code, resulting in a pop-up alert
An attacker could only exploit this vulnerability by tricking the user into
opening the link. It can be done by placing the unsafe links in an
attacker-controlled website or sending them through messages or emails.
Ways to find reflected XSS:
- Find every parameter on the website.
Try injecting the simple payloads like
Monitor the website carefully if the website is accepting the code and
you see a pop-up. Congrats you have found an XSS and if it doesn’t know
what is stopping it from being fired, ask yourself whether it is the
firewall or the sanitization or use BurpSuite to check and play around.
If the website doesn’t allow some characters like
“, >, <, /, or tags like a script. Try their
alternatives or try encoding them, who knows the developer might allow
encoding to process.
Try different payloads and know which characters are allowed and which
are blocked. This will give you a lot of insight into the working of web
As you might have guessed by name the stored XSS, is a type of XSS where the
malicious code supplied by the attacker is stored in the server and would
execute whenever the user visits the page. It is also referred to as a
persistent XSS.
Generally, this type of XSS can be found in the comments section or
post section of a website where the user input is stored in
the server. Sometimes, XSS can even be stored in the username of a user or
even as their profile display, and whoever visits the profile of the user
the payload will fire.
Blind Cross-site Scripting is a form of persistent XSS. It generally
occurs when the attacker’s payload is saved on the server and reflected back
to the victim from the backend application. For example in feedback forms,
an attacker can submit the malicious payload using the form, and once the
backend user/admin of the application will open the attacker’s submitted
form via the backend application, the attacker’s payload will get executed.
Blind Cross-site Scripting is hard to confirm in a real-world scenario but
one of the best tools for this is
XSS Hunter.
This type of XSS occurs when the javascript supplied by the user is taken
into the sources and given back by the sinks.
This is one of the hardest types of XSS to find.
If the web application is using any of the below-mentioned functions. In its
JavaScript code and within that function if there is a call to a variable
then we could inject our own javascript code into it.
document.write( document.writeln()
If the JavaScript code we supplied passes through any of the sources which get
executed in the sinks then we will have our XSS pop-up.
Let's see an example
DOM Based Example |
Here we could see that there is a source location.href(“”) which
has a variable of # if we could inject our payload into the
#. It would get executed in the third line
divElement.innerHTML = source; //sink and we would get our XSS
popped up.
POLYGLOT: The King Payload
An XSS Polyglot is a mixture of different injections and payloads. These are
generally made by bug hunters having a lot of experience.
These Polyglots are used to break the HTML and all the blacklists and
whitelists which are placed to prevent the popping of alert boxes.
Some of examples XSS polyglots are:
We hope this helps. If any suggestions or doubts you can add a comment and we
will reply as soon as possible.
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