RustScan - Explained

As you all know the first thing that we all do after getting our hands on the IP address is scan and the first tool that comes to mind is Nmap. A great and awesome tool but there is the main problem with this tool it’s tooooooo slow.

A full port scan take can up to 20–30 minutes, and after Nmap then comes the  Masscan, a fast tool that can scan any target so easily and can be so fast. We have seen people, starting with a Masscan and then using that result for a Nmap scan but still, you have to do the manual work of starting a Nmap. That’s where RustScan is so useful. 

RustScan scan (Full port scan) — 39 seconds
nmap scan — 17 minutes +

It's a lifesaver, most of us hate waiting for Nmap output results but this tool is a beast. However, apart from the long waiting time for output. Nmap is better than every tool out there for the port scan.

A comparison by the author of the tool

Installation Guide

Nmap is Required. If you do not have Nmap installed, follow the installation guideRustScan has many possibilities and options to choose from. It can be installed on DockerKali Linux/Debian machines, and many more. Follow the installation guide of RustScan to install on the platform of your choice. 


rustscan -a <IP>
Normally after rustscan finishes the scan, it starts a Nmap scan against the target by specifying the flag -vvv (maximum verbosity) by default.

RustScan is faster, why?

  • Low-level kernel networking.
  • Written in a fast language (Rust)
  • Asynchronous scanning.
RustScan conducts a preliminary scan using its own internal discovery technique: it creates sockets against its targets and waits for their responses. In nutshell, RustScan uses a full TCP 3-way handshake connection via the built-in Rust sockets module.

Once this first scanning stage is completed it executes Nmap with the specific flags, by default, which aims to discover the targets’ operating systems.

RustScan is still a good tool. It’s especially useful for local environments where you need extra speed on your scans like in CTFs. But if you need more complex configurations, such as changing the technique used to discover ports or to work on different protocols such as UDP, it might be better to the familiar, Nmap.
We hope this helps. If any suggestions or doubts you can add a comment and we will reply as soon as possible.

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